What we offer


Our flagship offering is IPv6+, also known as IPv4-as-a-Service (v4aaS). You provide IPv6 to your users, and send all of their legacy IPv4 traffic to us using whichever technology you choose. You will save both time and money – better spent on business improvements – and your customers and clients won’t notice a thing.

We currently offer the following technologies:

  • NAT64

  • The easiest to implement. Works well for web traffic, but isn’t as useful for multi-way traffic like PvP gaming. It only works if the user’s system (PC, phone, tablet) supports IPv6.
    More about NAT64
  • Dual-stack Lite

  • Works well for supporting legacy consumer electronics, using well-understood NAT technology, with its inherent limitations.
    More about DS-Lite
  • MAP

  • Provides broader support than DS-Lite, but may not be supported by some home routers.
    More about MAP
  • 464xlat

  • 464xlat supports many applications, including ones that might otherwise fail without IPv4. It is a proven choice for several mobile operators, and can be used on home networks, too.
    More about 464xlat

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IPv6 consultation service

Your IPv6 migration strategy

We can help you with organising your migration to IPv6. We understand the issues involved, from updating group policies to permit IPv6 management, security systems, anti-virus support, firewalls, intrusion detection, and security auditing, certificate authority support, routing and switching, legacy corporate systems that may not support IPv6, bring-your-own devices and guest networks, accounting for dynamically-assigned addresses and staff training.

We can also help you with renumbering your network from IPv4 to IPv6, including dual-stack. We understand the complexities of provisioning, accounting for address utilization, and updating security and systems to stay synchronized.

White Paper Find out what it costs to renumber and sell IPv4 Free download

The business case for IPv6

The business reasons for IPv6 vary depending on an organization’s addresses assigned, goals, rate of growth, and even the type of business. Because of this, the cost or deploying IPv6 and the benefits for doing so are different for every organization. ,We can help you build a business case unique to your company, which will help your management understand when to start working on IPv6 and why.

White Paper Considering CGN? Find out how much it’ll cost you Free download

White Paper How do IPv4 addresses come onto the market? Free download


Contact us now for a free consultation